5:30 am

OK, so yeah, I couldn't sleep. I'm already up and showered, and waiting to go to the train station. I've got a big duffel bag packed with the essentials, my purse, and the laptop – can't forget the laptop. I've got four and a half hours of uninterrupted writing time. I'm going to be jotting in this journal of course, and I have some work (ugh) I need to get done, but after that, it is free writing time. It's very dark here in Beantown, and the sun hasn't even thought about turning the sky a rosy orange yet. I'm so ready for this, I can hardly stand it. The laptop and iPod are all charged and ready to go, and I'm just waiting. My train leaves at 9:51; a little over four hours to go.


Anonymous said...

OMGoodness you were up early!! I bet you couldn't sleep but it's going to seem like a 3 day wait, waiting for those 4 hours to pass!