
This is just my journal of my trip to NJ. Nothing extremely exciting I'm afraid, but a good release for my nervous energy.

If you're still interested, come on in!

8:16 am

Well, I just woke up, and still had Richie singing "These Days" in my head from last night, so I had to watch the vid again. Sigh. He starts out by saying that everyone's gone through some shit this year, "especially me" and he shakes his head and OH, you just wanna give him a hug and hold him close and tell him that everything's going to be fine. Well, at least I do.

All the guys looked fantastic, but of course, my eyes were on Richie most of the evening. He looked great. Much better than when I saw them last year at Gillette Stadium. Worlds better, even, then Unplugged in June. He was not only toned and tanned, but when he smiled, it reached his eyes. God, you don't know how good that was to see.

The cameraderie and brotherhood between him and Jon was palpable there, too.

You can just tell that Jon loves this man (dearly, not queerly) and that he's so glad to have his old pal back. The two were on fire. At one point during the encore, Richie came up behind Jon and sang into Jon's mic over his shoulder, making him laugh. THAT's what's been missing -- the playfulness. Richie must truly be doing better to be back to his wonderful, gorgeous, playful self.

When they came back out to do the encore, the stage was still dark, but you could see Richie strapping on his guitar and donning his Stetson. God, I love it when he wears that hat! He pulled it down low on his forehead, and I was lost. I stared all through "Wanted" and laughed at his antics with Renz when they did WSYCGH. I think they would make a cute couple.

I don't know anything about her, so won't opine on whether or not they'd be a good match, but they seem to have fun on stage together, and after one of the songs, he took her arm, looped it in his, and escorted her back to her spot on the stage. Hmm. Maybe he's already tapping that? Whatever. As long as he's happy, and healthy, that's all that matters to this Richie Girl.

OK, I need to hit the shower again. Last night, it was all I could do to post an update before I fell into bed. I'm stinky, and need to clean up before getting on the train.

On some of the boards, folks are speculating about the stories I'm going to write either about or inspired by last night. Without giving anything away, there's already one just about ready to go. The link will show up on my blogsite under "Collaborations", as four of us authoresses joined forces. That's all I'm gonna say, or they'll kill me.

I'll probably write some more QPFs or something based on some of the pics from last night, but frankly, for the moment, I'm hoarding the rest of my memories, and the naughty thoughts they inspired.

I can honestly say that this was the most fun I've ever had. I met a wonderful new friend in Mary, and may get to a show with her in Boston. I had fantastic seats, and will never settle for anything less again, and I have memories. Oh, the memories. And the pictures to prove I was here.

Peace, out, my friends.